Instructions For Authors

Instructions for Authors

Article 1
Qualification for a Manuscript Submission: To make a manuscript submission, all the authors (including co-authors) should have a valid KAFLE membership by paying the annual membership fee.

Article 2
Content of Manuscript
1) The content of the manuscript should deal with critiques of theories and/or practices, empirical studies, new proposals, etc. in the field of foreign language learning and teaching. Manuscripts dealing with topics in linguistics, literature, or interdisciplinary areas should be related to foreign language learning and teaching.
2) The content of the manuscript may include the topics dealt at the KAFLE conferences in the past.

Article 3
Submission of Manuscript
1) The author(s) are required to register first on the online paper submission system of 「The Korea Association of Foreign Languages Education」, and then to submit the manuscript online.
2) The deadlines for submission are as follows:
  No. 1: November 15 of the previous year    No. 2: March 15
  No. 3: June 15 No. 4: September 15
3) When submitting the manuscript online, the author(s) need to upload their ‘Pledge of Research Ethics’, ‘Agreement of Copyright Transfer’, and ‘Korea Citation Index(KCI) Similarity Report’.
4) The author(s) upload one original file with author information and the other file for reviewers with all author information(name and affiliation) removed.
5) The author(s) register for an ORCID and submit their ORCID numbers.
6) After all of the required information and files have been provided, the author(s) will get an email from the chief editor which confirms the manuscript submission is completed successfully.

Article 4
Review and Publication Fee

1) When submitting the manuscript, the review fee should be sent to the KAFLE account or should be paid electronically on the KAFLE website.
2) After the manuscript is accepted for publication, the notified publication fee according to the length of the manuscript should be sent to the KAFLE account and the author(s) should inform the treasurer by email.
3) For the accepted manuscript for publication, the author(s) should pay the publication fee, 200,000 won. If the author’s (or authors’) work received research funding(regardless of funding resources), the additional publication fee, 100,000 won is to be paid.
In the case of exceeding 20 page limit of a manuscript, 5,000 won per extra page will be charged. The author(s) should inform the treasurer for confirming the payment.
4) The KAFLE bank accout is as follows:
  UChaeGuk 012393-01-001629
  (Account holder: The Korea Association of Foreign Languages Education)

Article 5
The format of manuscript must follow the instructions for preparing a manuscript (refer to Chapter 8) of 「The Korea Association of Foreign Languages Education」 and the journal’s format and style.

Article 6
A certificate verifying that the manuscript will be published in the journal can be issued by the editorial board after the editorial board meeting is completed.

Article 7
In the case of single or co-authoring, publication by the same author is allowed up to twice per year. However, publication of two consecutive manuscripts by the same author in the same year is not allowed.

Format of the Manuscript1)

Article 1 Manuscripts should be prepared with “Hangul 2010” (or higher).

Article 2 Margins should be as follows: width 153mm, length 225mm, top margin 20mm, bottom margin 25mm, left and right margins 22mm, top header 10mm, bottom header 0mm.

Article 3
1)The title of the article should not exceed two lines.
2)The abstract should be composed of 150~200 words. In the case of a study of another language other than English or Korean, the abstract should be written in both English and the corresponding foreign language.
3) The keywords of the manuscript should be provided below the abstract. The keywords are to be provided in English, Korean, and the corresponding foreign language.
e.g. [grammar/instructional technique/form focused instruction, 문법/교수기술/형태초점교수법(해당어, 주제어)]
4) If the work was supported by a research grant, the author(s) should state it in a footnote on the first page of the manuscript.
5) If the manuscript is written by co-authors, the first author and the co-author should be notified in a footnote on the first page of the manuscript.

Article 4
1) The subheadings should be numbered in the following manner: Ⅰ. 1. 1) (1) ①
2) There should be a line space after every subheading (150%-line spacing) except the fourth and the fifth subheadings; (1) ①
3) The main text should be indented 10pt at the beginning of each paragraph.
4) Detailed specifications for the letter type and paragraph of the manuscript are shown in Table 1.

Article 5 References, tables, figures, and a list of references, etc. should be conform to the style of APA(American Psychological Association, 2010, 6th. ed.) (Refer to 9. Specifications for Text Citations and List of References).
1) The reference list should use a hanging indent format(25pt). The publisher and the place of publication for the book should be included. For an edited book, information for the edition should be included after the title of the book.
2) For the manuscript in Korean, the numbering and headings of tables should be presented bold, centered above the tables in parenthesis ‘< >.’ For the manuscript in English, the numbering and headings of tables should be presented as shown in the following example (e.g. TABLE 1). ‘TABLE’ should be all capitalized without the parenthesis ‘< >.’ Major words in the headings of tables should begin with capital letters and be centered above the tables. The headings of figures should be centered below the figures.
3) If the article has the DOI, include it at the end of the reference as follows.
e.g. Pyo, K.-H. (2019). Contribution of learning readiness to group discussion in university English flipped classroom. Foreign Languages Education, 26(4), 23-44. doi:10.15334/FLE.2019.26.4.23
임은희, 한종임. (2016). 영어 어휘 학습에서의 거꾸로 교실 적용가능성 탐색. Foreign Languages Education, 23(4), 113-138. doi:10.15334/ FLE.2019.23.4.113

Article 6 The English name of the author should be written in accordance with the spelling determined by the author. Unless specifically required to do so, the first name is written before the last name (e.g., Kil-Dong Hong) below the title of the manuscript, and the last name is followed by a comma and first name (e.g., Hong, Kil-Dong) in the abstract and the content.

Article 7 The source names of references should be presented only in the reference list, not in a footnote.

Article 8 When writing Korean references of the manuscript written in a foreign language, the author and the title of the manuscript should be romanized according to the Yale system, and the foreign language translation should be provided in parenthesis.

Article 9 On the last page of the manuscript after presenting references, ‘examples of language’, ‘applicable language’, and ‘applicable levels’ should be presented (font size: 9, left-justified). Refer to the following example.
예) 예시언어(Examples in): English적용가능 언어(Applicable Languages): English적용가능 수준(Applicable Levels): Elementary/Secondary/College/Higher
e.g. Examples in: EnglishApplicable Languages: EnglishApplicable Levels: Elementary/Secondary/College/Higher

Article 10 Author’s information should be presented KoPubWorld바탕체 light 8.5, left-justified. The author should provide his or her name and affiliation in order.
e.g. 나경희, 교수/강사/대학원생/교사/기타충북대학교 사범대학 영어교육과(28644) 충북 청주시 서원구 충대로 1번지E-mail:

1) The manuscript written in another western language, not in English, should follow the format for the English manuscript. The manuscript written in Japanese, Chinese, and other languages should follow the format for the Korean manuscript.

Important Guidelines

All submissions to Foreign Languages Education should conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association which can be obtained from the American Psychological Association. The following are some important guidelines taken from the manual.

1. In-Text Citations
1) One work by a single author: the author-date method of citation requires that the author’s last name without suffixes and the year of publication be inserted in the text at the appropriate point:
When citing indirectly:
한글논문: Wertsch(1991)에 의하면,
영어논문: According to Wertsch (1991), ...
When citing directly:
① Single page
한글논문: Wertsch(1991)에 의하면, “...인용구...”(p. 19).
영어논문: Wertsch (1994) asserted that “three basic themes run through...”(p. 19).
② Two or more pages
한글논문: Wertsch(1991)에 의하면, “...인용구...”(pp. 19-20).
영어논문: Wertsch (1994) asserted that “three basic themes run through...”(pp. 19-20).
③ In the block quotation of more than 40 words, leave one line above and below the block quotation, indenting 25pt, and 150% line spacing without using quotation marks.
Wertsch (1991) asserted the following:
Three basic themes run through Vygotsky’s writings... a reliance on, genetic, or developmental, analysis... (p. 19)

2) Multiple authors
① In the case of two foreign authors, the last names of both authors are used whenever citations are made in the text. If the text is in Korean, it is written in ‘와/과’ and ‘&’ (in parentheses). If the text is in English, it is written in ‘and’ and ‘&’ (in parentheses).
한글논문: Richards와 Rogers(1986)의 연구에서... 영어학습 전략의 개발이라고 주장하였다....영어학습 전략의 개발이라고 주장하였다(Richards & Rogers, 1986).
영어논문: Richards and Rogers (1986) argued that... the skills model has much wider applicability. ... the skills model has much wider applicability (Richards & Rogers, 1986).
② In the case of two Korean authors, the first and last names of both authors are written each time they are cited, and the text is marked with ‘와/과’ and ‘&’ in parentheses.
송희심과 나경희(2006)의 연구에서... 영어학습 전략의 교수필요성을 주장하였다.... 영어학습 전략의 교수필요성을 주장하였다(송희심 & 나경희, 2006).
③ If there are more than three authors, write all the authors' last names when first cited, and for the second citation, write the first author's first name, and for the English paper, write only the first author's last name and et al.
한글논문: 김진철, 고경석, 박약우, 이재희, 김혜련 (1998)의... (처음 인용시) 김진철 외 4인(1998)의... (두 번째 인용부터)... 벗어나지 못하고 있는 상황이다(양정환, 오경미, 김은정, 2009). (처음 인용시) ... 결론지을 수 있다(양정아 외 2인, 2009). (두 번째 인용부터)
영어논문: Buckby, Bull, Flecher, Green, and Roger (1981) argued that (처음 인용 시) Buckby et al. (1981) stated that (두 번째 인용부터)... after reading article genres (McCombs, Daniels, & Perry, 2008). (처음 인용 시)... texts to writing compositions (McCombs et al., 2008). (두 번째 인용 시)

3) If there are more than six authors, from the beginning, "외 몇 인(수)’" should be marked in the Korean article and ‘et al.’ in the English article.

4) Groups as authors (e.g., associations, government agencies, research institute)
한글논문: (한국교원총연합회[한국교총], 1998) (본문에서 처음 인용 시) (한국교총, 1998) (두 번째 인용부터)
영어논문: (National Institute of English Teaching [NIET], 1991)(First citation)(NIET, 1991) (Second citation)
한국교원총연합회. (1998).
National Institute of English Teaching. (1991).

5) In the case of an English paper, if multiple authors have the same surname, the names are indicated by the author’ initials to distinguish the authors.
K. Goodman and Y. Goodman (1996) stated that ...

6) If more than two study by the same author is cited, it should be listed in chronological order.
한글논문: (배두본, 1997, 1999)
영어논문: (Goodman, 1976, 1981, 1996).

7) If two or more authors are cited in the same parentheses, the Korean authors are listed in Korean alphabetical order, and English authors are listed in alphabetical order. In the case of Korean papers, when both Korean and English authors are cited, the Korean author is written first, and they are listed in alphabetical order.
한글논문: (김덕규, 1998; 박약우, 1996; 이완기, 1996; 정용주, 1998)(김덕규, 1998; 박약우, 1996; 이완기, 1996; Gilles, 1991; Hymes, 1976)
영어논문: (Gilles, 1991; Hymes, 1976; Peterson & Eeds, 1992; Short, 1995)

2. Reference List
All sources cited in the main text must be included alphabetically in the reference list. In the reference list, single-author entries precede multiple-author entries when citing multiple works by the same author.

1) A book: The book title should be italics and the first letter of the book title should be in capital letters.

① One author
한종임. (2007). 영어음성학과 발음지도. 서울: 한국문학사.
Nunan, D. (1988). The learner-centered curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
② Multiple authors
백순근, 이소영, 진경애. (1999). 고등학교 영어과 수행평가의 이론과 실제. 서울: 한국교육과정 평가원.
Cone, J. D., & Foster, S. L. (1993). Dissertations and theses from start to finish; Psychology and related fields. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
③ Translation book
Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. (이흥수, 박매란, 박주경, 이병민, 이소영, 최연희 번역). 서울: Pearson Education Korea.
Bakhtn, M. M. (1986). Speech genres & other late essays (V. W. Mcgee. Trans.). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

2) A journal article: The journal name and volume number should be italics, and the first letter of the title and of the subtitle should be capitalized.
① One author
이덕봉. (1997). 학습자 주도형 외국어 교수법 시론. 외국어교육, 3(2), 155-174.
Cohen, A. (1989). Attrition in the productive lexicon of two Portuguese third-language speakers. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 11(2), 135-149.

② Multiple authors
고경석, 김혜련, 부경순. (2000). 제7차 교육과정에 따른 초등영어 수행평가 방법 및 도구 개발. 영어교육, 55(2), 243-279.
Berman, R. A., & Olshtain, B. (1983). Features of foreign language transfer in second language attrition. Applied Linguistics, 4(3), 222-234.

3) The name of the author should be written in the form of ‘last name, first name (the initial of the first name).’ The author's name shall be expressed in the form of ‘last name, the initials of the first name.’ The editor’s full name should be written in ‘the initial of the first name, last name’ method. In the case of a chapter of an edited book, indicate the number of pages at the beginning and end.
① A single editor
박준언. (2000). 이중언어이론과 영어 교육. 황적륜 (편저). 현대 영어교육의 이해와 전망 (pp. 270-295). 서울: 서울대학교 출판부.
Altman, G. (1990). Cognitive models of speech processing: An introduction. In G. Altman (Ed.), Cognitive models of speech processing: Psycholinguistic and computational perspectives (pp. 1-23). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
② Multiple editors
Barnes, D. (1993). Supporting exploratory talk for learning. In K. M. Pierce & C. J. Gilles (Eds.), Cycles of meaning: Exploring the potential of talk in learning communities (pp. 17-34). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books.
③ Edited book
Short, K. G., & Pierce, K. M. (Eds.). (1998). Talking about books: Literature discussion group in K-8 classrooms. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books.

4) A Magazine or newspaper article: An article specifies the month of publication if it is monthly journal, and the date of publication if it is daily journal.
Posner, M. I. (1993, October 29). Seeing the mind. Science, 262, 673-674.

5) Internet resources
In the case of data obtained through the Internet, the Internet site is presented at the end after following the form of a journal article, a book, and a research report. However, if it is not published, the title of the data should be italicized.
이채연. (2001). 인터넷활용 수업의 필요성 및 활성화 방안. 월드와이드웹:에서 2002년 3월 20일에 검색했음.
Thompson, D. (1990). Electronic bulletin boards: A timeless place for collaborative writing projects. Retrieved May 5, 2000, from the World Wide Web: Thompson (unpublished)
Thompson, D. (1990). Electronic bulletin boards: A timeless place for collaborative writing projects. Retrieved May 5, 2000, from the World Wide Web: 7_3_5_Thompson (published)
Sotillo, S. M. (2000). Discourse functions and syntactic complexity in synchronous and asynchronous communication. [On-line]. Language Learning & Technology, 4(1), 82-119. Available from

6) If a publication is published soon after publication evaluation
나경희. (출판예정). Investigation of English language learners’ reading comprehension behaviors through literature study. Foreign Languages Education.
McIntosh, D. N. (in-press). Religion as schema, with implications for the relation between religion and coping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

7) Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s Thesis: The unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis should use italics.
박상주. (2000). 초・중등 교육에서 정보통신기술의 활용: 외국과의 비교. 미출간 석사학위논문, 부산대학교, 부산.
Almeida, D. M. (1990). Fathers’ participation in family work: Consequences for fathers’ stress and father-child relations. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.
임운. (2001). 원어민과 한국인교사의 자연스러운 영어발음의 음향학적 분석연구. 미출간 박사학위논문, 한국교원대학교, 충북.
Wilfley, D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal- weight and obese. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.

8) Proceedings of meetings and symposia
신동일. (2001, 2월). 한국적 상황을 고려한 ACTFL-SOPI 말하기 평가 모형수정. 한국영어교육학회 학술대회발표논문.
Lanktree, C., & Briere, J. (1991, January). Early data on the trauma symptom checklist for children. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, San Diego, CA.

9) A report
김성숙, 백순근, 노국향, 이선경, 박선미. (1998). 1998년도 초ㆍ중ㆍ고학업성취도 평가연구(연구보고 RRE 98-6). 서울: 한국교육과정 평가원.
Broadhurst. R. G., & Maller, R. A. (1991). Offending and recidivism (Tech. Rep. No. 3). Nedlands, Western Australia: University of Western Australia, Crime Research Centre.

10) The following words are abbreviated.
chapter chap. ch.
edition ed.
second edition 2nd. ed.
Editor (Editors) Ed. (Eds.)
page (pages) p. (pp. )
Number No.

11) For the books, indicate the city and country in which the publisher is located. In the case of the United States, identify the city and state. The following cities can be known to anyone, so the name of the country or the state can be omitted:
Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Jerusalem, London, Milan, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Tokyo, Vienna
Use the official two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviations.
California CA
Connecticut CT
Massachusetts MA

12) Order of references
①If there is a single authorship and a multiple authorship study among the same authors, the former leads the latter.
한글논문: 배두본. (1997).
배두본, 전조영, 정길정. (1991).
영어논문: Wedman, J. M. (1999).
Wedman, J. M., & Baker, E. M. (1997).
②If there are two or more multi-author studies of the same author, order them alphabetically or alphabetically according to the second author's last name.
한글논문: 배두본, 전조영, 정길정. (1991).
배두본. 최수영, 박성수, 김정렬, 윤영벌, 김준식, 한화정. (1997).
영어논문: Wedman, J. M., & Folger, T. (1996).
Wedman, J. M., & Staley, M. L. (1997).
③ If there are more than one study of the same multiple, the order is determined in order of year.
Wedman, J. M., & Folger, T. (1996).
Wedman, J. M., & Folger, T. (1999).
④If there are two or more studies with the same author and year, the alphabetical symbols are added to the year and the alphabetical order is set.
김영숙. (2000a).
김영숙. (2000b).